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September 08, 2021

Build user narratives with custom reports

New updates to the Maze Report enable you to curate captured data, customize slides, and highlight key findings.

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We built our analytics and reporting specifically to empower you to easily identify key user insights and make data-informed decisions as a team. So in this release, we're adding features that make it easier for you to highlight your user's story and build stronger narratives for sharing with your team.

The Maze Report mirrors the results from your maze blocks but pulls them into a presentation format that stakeholders are familiar with and provides a space for you to start discussion threads in comments.

Here's how you can build narratives in the Maze Report

🙈Hide or show maze blocks from slides

In the main navigation to the left of your report, hover over any block and you'll see an 'eye' icon appear to the right. Clicking this icon will hide this maze block and its results from your report, click it again to show it. The data itself won't disappear, it'll just stay hidden until you revert.

✍️Add custom text to slides to summarise findings

Hover over a slide and you'll see a '+' appear, here you can add a text block next to your maze data. A perfect way to add context, hypotheses or just to highlight the user narrative before sharing with stakeholders.

Now you can really amplify and communicate the user's voice with your team and beyond, in a central space that helps you share what matters most.

Build better reports in Maze

When it comes to creating good research reports, there are a few steps you can take to present actionable data to ensure it brings value to every stakeholder involved. Ask yourself these five questions throughout your testing process and your report creation.

1. What decision are you trying to make?

It may sound simple, but this one needs to be answered right at the start of your testing process. In order to gather actionable data for you and your team, there must be a clear action you are striving toward.

Get clear on the decision that needs to be made and avoid just running tests for tests sake - you'll end up risking tester burnout for findings that don't get you anywhere.

Perhaps your test will validate a design preference, a copy direction, a prototype concept?

This will help bring clarity to the narrative of your report, all the points you make within your summaries or the data you include or exclude will refer back to the core reasoning of your research.

2. What do you need to make this decision?

There are two aspects to consider here, both external and internal:

From an external perspective, what data do you need from users to make this decision? How will you measure success?

If you're running usability tests it may be reflected in your usability score, number of misclicks or paths taken. If you're running a feedback survey, perhaps you'll measure success through opinion scale ratings. Every decision has its equal data point.

Now consider your needs internally, are there any barriers to making this decision? Do you have the bandwidth to run the research? Do you have the authority to make this decision? If not, who do you need to involve?

A clear understanding of the data that is needed to support this decision will not only help you curate the right questions to the right users but will also help in your presentation of the results. Use hide and show to curate the essential data that is key to the decision-making process and keep your report relevant to all stakeholders involved.

3. Who does this decision impact?

When you've completed your test, gathered the data you needed, and have rolled out the solution, consider will this change impact any other teams?

It's an important question to ask as this will highlight whether there are any wider stakeholders who may benefit from visibility over the insights you collect. Different roles bring different perspectives that may elevate the findings and decisions made from your report.

For example, product changes will likely result in new releases that impact customer-facing teams, so having product marketing involved will help bridge gaps.

Anyone who came up in these answers who will be directly impacted should be added to the research as a collaborator, enabling them to bring their expertise to decision making and bringing visibility.

So, to recap, here's what you need to make up a great report:

  • The goal is clear and it's understood and agreed upon what decision is to be made
  • You have defined what data will measure success and support this decision
  • Make sure key decision-makers and stakeholders are involved, ensure discussions are centralized
  • Keep summaries in line with your core goal to create a stronger narrative for sharing with stakeholders
  • Bring clarity to the narrative including the essential data from your maze test

We hope these new additions help strengthen story-telling and bring more clarity to your reports. Happy testing!

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