User testing designed with you in mind

User testing designed with you in mind

Create and send usability tests in a few clicks. Get closer to your users, capture real insights as they happen, and build better products faster with Maze.

Trusted by 60,000+ brands

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Get in-context, actionable feedback

Get in-context, actionable feedback

Create and share dynamic user surveys that transform responses into quantitative results. Then use it to push product decisions, make iterations, and build something your users will love.

Making sense of interviews, made easy

Making sense of interviews, made easy

Tired of going through long user interviews to find what you're looking for? Let AI take care of transcribing your recordings, summarize the conversation, and suggest insightful video highlights so you can identify insights faster.

Streamline your interview analysis

Streamline your interview analysis

Identify key themes in your highlights and organize them across interviews. Then accelerate your analysis by using AI to summarize key insights and quantified patterns. Review and edit whenever you want to.

Report metrics for UX Research

Automated insights that fuel discovery

Maze transforms responses into real, tangible insights, providing your team with access to data you can action quickly and seamlessly.

Build your database of engaged participants

Build your database of engaged participants

Pull in people from your own product toolstack. From CRMs to product analytics tools, simply upload a .csv with an email property to start building your Reach database.

Create your user test and Maze will take care of the rest



Learn more about expected (and unexpected) user behavior from heatmaps, and discover how users navigate your prototypes.

Usability Score

Usability Score

Capture your product’s usability with a unique score to help guide your future improvements.

Design Metrics

Design Metrics

Make core improvements to your design with metrics like misclicks and time-on-screen guiding you towards success.

CSV Reports

CSV Reports

Download CSV files with the new data from your testing sessions and save them to your organization’s database.

Bring a customer-focused mindset to your organization