Design with Axure. Test with Maze.

Test your Axure prototypes using the Live Website Testing block in Maze.

Bring your Axure mock-ups into Maze and gather valuable feedback in no time.

Measure usability of flows and features

Measure usability of flows and features

Define successful paths and share them as unmoderated tasks with your users. Then see how their interactions translate to design metrics.

Prototype Test Results - Axure

Understand how your users behave

Quickly see what works and what doesn’t for your users, making it easy to choose a direction and decide exactly what to build.

Make informed decisions

Make informed decisions

See how your prototype test results turn into meaningful data that will move your product in the right direction.

Usability Metrics

Usability Metrics

Path Analysis

Path Analysis



and more...

and more...

Share Maze Report

Be stakeholder-ready with Maze Reports

Share learnings company-wide with beautiful, data-filled reports. Empower cross-team collaboration with comments, and showcase your results in dynamic charts, call-out quotes, and unique usability scores.

Turn your Axure prototypes into products your users will love