Get live website feedback

Capture user insights on live web pages to improve engagement and conversions. Whether it’s design, copy, or the overall experience, collect the learnings you need to make your website shine.

What you’ll learn

Discover user motivations for visiting your site in the first place, and whether their expectations match their experience.

Dig into data for unique user insights, including personal likes and dislikes, likeliness to return to your page, and more.

Share learnings across your business to build a more valuable web experience for your users from every department.

Follow up with key individuals for more detailed feedback by collecting their email addresses.

How to use


Log in to your Maze account (if you haven’t got one, don’t worry—it’s free to join).


Select this website feedback survey template from the gallery.


Modify blocks and copy to your preference.


Do a pilot test with somebody in your organization (preferably, not on your team).


All good? Then it’s time to set it live and wait for the feedback to roll in!

Related templates

Get a head start with Maze

Maze empowers teams to unlock invaluable user insights—and improve products continuously.

A-mazeing to meet you!

Welcome Screen

Firstly, what brought you here today?

Multiple Choice

Did you find what you needed?


Can you describe your first impression of our website in three words?

Simple Input

What did you like about our website?

Open Question

How likely are you to return?

Opinion Scale

Before you go, would you mind leaving your email address?

Simple Input

Thank You!

Thank You Screen