Validate feature ideas

Discover which ideas should be turned into actions with this easy-to-use survey template. Validate feature ideas with real users to help guide your decision-making, and capture valuable insights you can share with your whole organization.

What you’ll learn:

What problems are your users currently facing? Discover and easily share valuable insights with your team to work in the right direction for next steps.

Tap into the minds of your customers to iterate on existing features and build a backlog of future ideas for your product roadmap.

Save your time and streamline efforts by gaining valuable feedback ahead of new feature launches.

Implement a discovery mindset and cross-company culture of continuous learning by sharing key insights—so you can work towards a clear goal, together.

How to use


Log in to your Maze account (if you haven’t got one, don’t worry—it’s free to join).


Select this product concept validation template from the gallery.


Modify blocks and copy to your preference.


Do a pilot test with somebody in your organization (preferably, not on your team).


All good? Then it’s time to set it live and wait for the feedback to roll in!

When should I use this template?

You should use this template early on in your product development cycle to gauge if your feature idea creates added value for your users. It’ll also help determine what your users are looking for so you can adapt your product roadmap accordingly.

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Maze empowers teams to unlock invaluable user insights—and improve products continuously.

A-mazeing to meet you!

Welcome Screen

What problems do you face when you do [task]?

Open Question

How often do you do [task]?

Multiple Choice

What workarounds have you created?

Open Question

How much time and money does this cost your business?

Open Question

Do you have any issues with your current solution?

Open Question

Thank You!

Thank You Screen