Validate marketing messaging

Share this template with your target audience to validate whether your messaging claims are resonating. Remove the guesswork and collect user insights that support and validate your decisions.

What you'll learn:

Validate your messaging before you push it live on your website, in your campaigns, or your communications.

Gather quantitative data on your draft messaging claims to gain insight into the perspectives of your users.

Identify the uniqueness, likeability, relevancy, and believability of your drafted messaging claims.

Launch with confidence through testing messaging with an accessible, fast and repeatable testing process.

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Welcome Screen

[Enter your first messaging claim here]

Context Screen

Thinking about the claim overall, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?

Multiple Choice

How unique is the claim?

Opinion Scale

How relevant is the claim to your wants and needs?

Opinion Scale

In your own words, what is the message of the claim?

Open Question

[Enter your second messaging claim here]

Context Screen

How relevant is the claim to your wants and needs?

Opinion Scale

Thinking about the claim overall, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?

Multiple Choice

Does the claim provide too much information, too little information, or the right amount of information?

Multiple Choice

[Enter your third messaging claim here]

Context Screen

How believable is the claim?

Opinion Scale

How likely would you be to buy the product based on the claim?

Opinion Scale

From these three claims, what is the overarching message in your own words?

Open Question

Thank You!

Thank You Screen