Collect insights on features

Get an accurate reading on how your features measure up with users. Gather usability feedback quickly so you can make the right changes—faster.

What you’ll learn:

Do customers find your product easy to use? Can they rely on your features to help solve their problems?

Fire up your features with actionable feedback to inform and shape your product roadmap.

Tap into user satisfaction—use sentiment analysis to gauge how pleased your users are with features currently on offer.

Optimize existing features to empower users to do their best work.

How to use


Log in to your Maze account (if you haven’t got one, don’t worry—it’s free to join).


Select this feature insights template from the gallery.


Modify blocks and copy to your preference.


Do a pilot test with somebody in your organization (preferably, not on your team).


All good? Then it’s time to set it live and wait for the feedback to roll in!

Related templates

Get a head start with Maze

Maze empowers teams to unlock invaluable user insights—and improve products continuously.

A-mazeing to meet you!

Welcome Screen

How easy to use is [Feature]?

Opinion Scale

How reliable is the performance of [Feature]?

Multiple Choice

Were you able to accomplish what you used [Feature] for?


How satisfied are you with [Feature]?

Opinion Scale

Thank You!

Thank You Screen